We can…
- design and implement a sediment monitoring project
- supervise a sediment monitoring project executed by others
- help define the permit criteria for a sediment monitoring project
Dr. Ulf Erlingsson, founder of Lindorm, Inc., inventor of the SediMeter™ and expert in sediment spill monitoring, is available as a consultant for projects that deal with sediment monitoring. In the first, free, consultation he will evaluate your case and explain how he might assist you.
While others do “Sediment Spill Monitoring,”
our focus is on “Sediment Spill Sedimentation Monitoring”
What is the Difference?
- Sediment spill monitoring is the monitoring of the sediment that exits the work area in suspension, i.e., it spills over from the work area into the surrounding environment
- Sediment spill sedimentation monitoring is the monitoring of the sediment spill that settles to the bottom after it has exited the work area and entered the surrounding environment
Why do Sedimentation Monitoring?
There are plenty of good reasons to carry out this monitoring:
- Environmental permits may include requirements to limit project-induced sedimentation in sensitive biotopes outside of the work area
- The project owner may wish to monitor the sedimentation in real time so as to prevent sedimentation-induced damages, rather than to risk paying compensation later
- The project owner may wish to monitor the sedimentation in real time to avoid bad publicity, by being totally transparent
- The project owner may wish to collect statistically coherent data on sedimentation so as to have evidentiary proof that he did not cause sedimentation, thus pre-empting costly lawsuits