
Field Manuals

List under construction. Meanwhile, the software installation files include essential manual.

Manuals for SediMeter.exe Software

For SediMeter.exe Ver. 6

This software version supports Bursts and SediSond mode in SM4 rev. 2.

The Bursts allows for a non-continuous measurement frequency with up to 255 measurements per burst, and a rate within the burst from 1/8 Hz to 20 Hz. The interval between the bursts is as before 1 second to 24 hours.

The SediSond mode employes freefall-detection in combination with bursts and the accelerometer at 400 Hz, in order to record a free fall into the sediment.

Manual Ver. 5.1 for SM4 rev. 1 firmware

This manual is applicable for SediMeter.exe ver. 5.19 but can also be used for 5.2, since the only non-documented addition is the ability to change (and turn off) the accelerometer settings. Note that if you have firmware rev 1 in SM4, you must carry out a RESET using a magnet in order for any changes to the accelerometer settings to take effect.

How long will the SediMeter Battery last?

You are free to use this memory and battery calculations in Excel for estimating mission parameters. Remember that the battery capacity often is less than advertised, so please leave ample margin.

Communication Manual for Developers

File format and the communication protocol are detailed in this manual. The SediMeter and SediTrans can be connected to third party loggers using these commands. The SediLink can be used as a radio-to-cable modem for transferring these commands and data.

Nilsson Sampler Standard Operating Procedures

These are instructions for field use of the water sampler. The sampler is perfect for cases where it has to be carried and manually operated. It is advisable to use a hand winch with a steel wire. The sampler is stable at velocities up to 200 cm per second, but in rivers where the water is both deep and fast flowing, it requires an extra ballast-weight to be mounted underneath (we do not provide such weights).