SediMeter Applications and Case Studies

The SediMeter™ measures a vertical turbidity profile and estimates the bottom level with high precision
Use it to monitor… 
Near-Bed Turbidity
Sediment Transport
Sediment Consolidation
Bentic Flux Monitoring
Determining Sediment Accumulation
Monitoring Siltation
Earth Science Research
Environmental Research
Channel Supervision
Dredging Spill Monitoring
Reservoir Sedimentation Monitoring
Fish Farm Environmental Management
Pollution Monitoring
Studying Anoxic Sediment Conditions
Carbon Cycle Studies
Case Studies
The Netherlands
Description: Sediment is being removed from a navigation channel and placed in IJmeer to create new land for the city of Amsterdam. Nearby bottoms are protected by a silt screen. Three SediMeter SM4 are deployed outside the silt screen to monitor turbidity and sediment accumulation, and a fourth instrument is used as a reference farther away.
Where: IJmeer, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Who: Boskalis
Why: Project to create a new city block using dredged material from a navigation channel
What: Monitor turbidity and sedimentation outside of a silt screen
When: 2018-
Model: SM4
Description: Contaminated sediments must be removed and a new basin dredged for a terminal for LNG Canada. Nearby eelgrass beds should be protected from sedimentation caused by sediment spill from the dredging works, especially if those sediments are contaminated. Three SediMeter SM4 are deployed in the nearby eelgrass beds to monitor turbidity and sediment accumulation, and a fourth instrument is used as a reference on the opposite side of the fjord.
Where: Kitimat, B.C., Canada
Who: Boskalis
Why: Project to build an LNG export terminal
What: Monitor sedimentation in nearby eelgrass beds
When: 2018-
Model: SM4
Description: A SediMeter™ was deployed in this water reservoir in order to collect data on the timing and amount of sedimentation in the water reservoir. Traditional methods include repeat measurements of the bed level, and taking of sediment cores, but they only allow the measurements of the net change between measurements, and are unable to register what exactly happens, and when it happens. In order to optimize the methods for decreasing sedimentation and-the other side of the coin-soil erosion, it is important to understand the processes. The SediMeter™ can be used to quantify near-bed suspended sediment, sediment accumulation, and even measure sediment consolidation. It thus gives a lot more information for the scientist or engineer that is trying to come up with ways in which to protect the farmlands from erosion, and the reservoirs from sediment infilling.
Where: Water reservoir
Who: University of Zambia
Why: Soil Erosion Research
What: Measure sedimentation rate in water reservoirs
When: 2015-2017
Model: SM3A
Water reservoir in Zambia
Zambia field data: At the end of the dry season the bottom is at about 14 cm. The rains bring in so heavily sediment-laden water that the level of the bottom cannot easily be determined for 2 weeks. When the sediment settle out of suspension the bottom level has risen by about 5 cm. We also observe changes in the darkness of the previously deposited sediments.SediMeter intensity chart
Description: In 2007, the Port of Olympia found elevated levels of dioxins in an area scheduled for maintenance dredging. The contaminated sediments have since been dealt with. During this project SediMeters™ were deployed in the area to monitor for near-bed elevated turbidity levels. The SediMeter™ instruments were mounted on steel platforms for sedimentation measurements in the Budd Inlet.
Where: Budd Inlet, Washington State
Who: Gravity Environmental
Why: Polluted Sediments Cleanup
What: Measure sedimentation in the inlet
When: 2014
Model: SM3A
Budd Inlet
Description: The northern part of the Caspian Sea has a large input of sediments from the Volga and Ural rivers, and the depth is only around 5 meters in a large area. A harbor development plan in Kazakhstan required the dredging of a 70 km long navigation channel through this area. SediMeter™ instruments were deployed to assess the sedimentary environment, taking advantage of their ability to measure the near-bed turbidity. The SediMeter™ can also be used to detect the presence of bedload transport as opposed to suspended sediment transport, and to measure the infilling of the navigation channel post-dredging.
Where: Caspian Sea
Who: Gravity Environmental
Why: Project to build an oil export terminal with a 70 km dredged channel
What: Collect data for the Environmental, Social, and Health Impact Assessment (ESHIA) program
When: 2013
Model: SM3A
Caspian Sea
Description: SediMeter™ instruments were deployed in the Ohio River, West Virginia, to measure sediment deposition over mussel beds during maintenance dredging on the river.
Where: Ohio River, West Virginia
Why: Maintenance dredging threatened mussel banks
What: Monitor sedimentation/siltation from dredging
When: 2009
Model: SM2A
US Army Corp of Engineers SediMeter deployment method
Description: A SediMeter™ instrument and temperature sensors were deployed in Lago Yojoa to measure sediment resuspension during the annual fall mixing event which frequently causes anoxia and fish death. The normally oligotrophic lake is now used for fish farming. Unfortunately theft of hardware by local boaters sabotaged the project repeatedly, and while a stolen cable was replaced by telemetry system made by Lindorm, the SediMeter was lost with data and all.
Where: Lago Yojoa, Honduras
Who: Lindorm for ENEE, IAEA
Why: Study of the lake’s health
What: Monitor sedimentation and resuspension
When: 2009
Model: LogDator Buoy, and SM2A SediMeter
Lindorm's LogDator Buoy deployed in Lago Yojoa